Sunday, August 16, 2015

A Journey to Freedom

Well, after a long time here's something that inspired me to write... and guess what it could be?
It was the FEAR of losing the connect with the "thinker/writer" in me... It is indeed interesting to me that how we get motivated more by what is left to do, than by what we already have achieved... The sense of fullness seldom gives a desire as burning as the emptiness does...

As a matter of fact, it won't be an exaggeration to say that the accomplishments of yours can be inspirational for everyone but you - because you only can be inspired by what is left to be accomplished...

Photo credits:

And so the FEAR in my mind boarded the train of thoughts... I started thinking about the wrestlers taking on a fight with the one double of their size; boxers not thinking about getting their nose fractured; skydivers taking the leap of faith (or rather the "dive of faith"); soldiers not thinking twice before running into enemy camp with just a handful of bullets during war...

Don't they have fear? Yes they do... they are not invincible... But probably, their fear of being in a situation where they don't do what they love to do, is much more profound than their fear of breaking their bones or even losing their life...

May be that is what PASSION is all about... The ones who have it, can't imagine themselves not doing what they do best...
And so... being passionate may not mean to be fearless. But in fact being so much fearful to losing the passion that it surpasses all other fears... and that is what truly liberates us...

That's why they say that FREEDOM is never for free... It takes passion and one great fear to overcome all other fears... just like the passion of freedom fighters and great fear of not being able to live in an independent country, actually liberated an entire nation...

So on this Independence Day, I realized that FEAR, PASSION, and then FREEDOM - are all the junctions on a same railway track on which our "train of thoughts" travels... Make sure to hang on till you reach the last one... what say?