Monday, June 07, 2021

Resilience and Comfort Zone

For a long time now, I have been feeling incomplete, tired, lost, and lethargic. Many of us are. And we have the pandemic to blame for most of it. The never-ending lock-downs, working from home, managing the health of ourselves and the loved ones - we have been dodging the attacks at multiple fronts (or at least we are trying).

It is a fact that life is not fair, and even though deep down we know our true potential, we seldom are able to actualize it. However, when you can't fly, you got to crawl. So, the real test of our resilience and grit in such times is in understanding what we can make out of the life that is given to us. And it can never be the same for two people.

In the moments like this, we realize that we are the only backup we have got in this multi-front war. This realization can be scary, but it can be liberating as well.

photo credits:

You see, the human psyche is a funny thing. We long for the change and resist the change at the same time. We get uncomfortable when something new happens, and eventually, we get ridiculously used to it. We get so comfortable in the confines of our circumstances that we deny looking out of it. Even when we know that there are treasures of life that lie outside of our comfort zone, we simply don't want to try to reach out.

We get trapped in this bitter-sweet place called comfort zone with our souls still dreaming of bigger and better things outside of it. And this makes us extremely unhappy and helpless. Eventually, many people, in fact, forget and forego the feelings of dissatisfaction and stay where they are; for them, their comfort zone is their safe place.

But for those who can't let go of their bigger desires and ambitions, the interesting catch is that their comfort zone is not constant. For them, their comfort zone is like a room with its walls closing in on them. They feel more claustrophobic and powerless with each passing day and feel that eventually, their comfort zone would consume them.

If you are one of them, please know that it is not true. You just need to muster all your strength and punch one of the walls of your comfort zone real hard. And well, keep punching until you make a big hole in one of those walls. Sure, your knuckles will get sore and may bleed in doing this. But then also remember that you possess a double-edged sword called resilience. And here is a funny thing about resilience - it is the very thing that helps us adapt to a change and throws us into a comfort zone with seemingly no way out in the first place, and it is also the only thing that can help us tear through the walls of the comfort zone.

Don't be afraid of getting tired before you actually do. Remember to recharge yourself. And if you do get tired, remember that you are packing more reserve fuel than you think. It is a war to be fought within. And while the bright light at the end of the tunnel can be distant, there is a warrior's pride (or ego I may say) to satisfy with each small battle won, and that would give you almost instant gratification as you start moving.

As someone has truly said, remember that resilience is a muscle, it can atrophy and hypertrophy, and luckily it is entirely up to you what you make of it :)