Monday, March 14, 2016

'Happy'ness or 'happening'ness?

The more I think, the more I grow. The more I grow, the more I realize that - we, the man/woman-kind (not to be gender-biased here :-P) are funny creatures...

The heart wants joys which enrich soul, whereas the brain considers practical aspects, material stuff, and rationality... This is an age-old story, honestly nothing new in this which can make my blog more interesting (well, more interesting than it already is ;-) )... Therefore, this post is not about the heart vs. brain duals which we all face on a routine basis.

As many intellectuals/spirituals would put it, let's call it 'mind' now on... the entity which takes joint decision of heart and brain... the peace-maker, and the storm-creator... The thing which makes us or breaks us... The one which gives us a unique identity...

Now, what the mind needs in life? The unanimous answer would be 'happy-ness' (the spelling error is intentional - inspired by a movie 'The pursuit of happyness')... So, it sounds simple, we should do what makes us (or our mind) happy... True... But does the same thing makes us happy throughout our life? May be Yes, may be No...
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In a similar dilemma, there is a guy, who lives by the sea... and is a fisherman... As a small boy, he struggled a lot learning the art of catching fish... It gave him happyness to learn catching fish... Every day he struggled to get a breakthrough till one day when he finally learnt and mastered the art... And that was precisely the point when his happyness started to vanish... Few years down the line, the same thing doesn't give him happyness anymore, for he has already learnt the art of fishery... and what he does now every day is just a mundane routine...

After a thorough brainstorming, he somehow realizes that his was the passion for 'learning' the process and not the 'process' itself... Even though he used to face new levels of frustration and challenges, and hit rock bottom everyday while learning, it gave him happyness as something new was 'happening' in his life everyday...

Now as a seasoned fisherman, he just does the task as a chore for it is no longer a 'happening' thing for him... He even gets frustrated with his not-so-passionate attitude now because he feels the same urge of fire within himself which ignited him while he was learning... but sadly it is missing now...

There is this metaphorical fisherman in almost each one of us (except the rare species who has the passion for the 'process' and not just 'learning' the process)...

We struggle to be happy, and eventually get bored of stagnant happyness... We claim that we know our mind best when it will be happy or sad, and we do know it the best... We do know that it is the pursuit which makes our mind happy... But despite knowing, we fail to make it 'happening' enough for our mind to stay 'happy'... We live the rot routine till we get rotten... We are funny creatures, the most evolved yet the most primitive... Isn't it?