Monday, March 10, 2014

ORIGINAL... Really???

Well, don't take the title as a spoiler alert. It's nothing like an anti-innovation campaign but just an introspection-provoking thought.

One day after watching news about Kejriwal (obviously there seems nothing much left with media apart from him), I was wondering the impact of media in developing the true picture of a person in front of public and many more things... Then I shifted to a more generic version of this thought.

The impact of "received wisdom" in any aspect of life. I see human brain as more of a RECEPTOR than a TRANSMITTER...or more precisely... Earlier the RECEPTOR and later the TRANSMITTER...

To simplify that... Nowadays almost everyone is saying that no matter how AAP has turned to be, it has created a wave which has made people smarter... But I deviate a little from this opinion... I would say people have become more "aware" and not "smarter" precisely...

The awareness comes from receptor function of brain. A brain develops the picture of anything based on what it HEARS and SEES about that thing. I do not deny the analytical abilities of brain. It also ANALYZES and INTERPRETS and then develops the opinions... But the point here is... What are the basis for those analyses and interpretations? Simply VISION and SOUND...

Let's say a musician, even if being a genuine composer, is inevitably influenced by his/her favorite musicians whose music he/she has listened to their whole life... So the product which comes out, is not pirated or copied per se. But it is not ORIGINAL also... It can be safely called "INSPIRED"...

Same logic applies to the regular viewers of a particular news channel, who unavoidably start developing their opinions influenced by what is being served on their platter every morning...
And this is not harmful until it goes viral... but this "received wisdom" goes epidemic way too fast than we can imagine...

The irony is... once we become the "aware" citizens, we start believing ourselves the "responsible" citizens and voluntarily take up the MORAL RESPONSIBILITY to shower the WISDOM onto the others... And the spread of this excessive awareness with uncontrolled, least-analyzed and more-manipulated "received wisdom" is a big national threat...!!!

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