Monday, December 29, 2014

Trust: By-people vs. By-religion

Disclaimer: The purpose of this blog is not to upgrade or degrade any particular religion, neither to draw any conclusion, nor it is to hurt sentiments of any.
And well, the "disclaimer" is one of the most misinterpreted and bullshit things - the bigger the disclaimers, even bigger is the hypocrisy of people... And moreover, I care less, so I bring it on...

One cold night, Rajdhani express, 3-tier AC coach, I am sleeping my way from Delhi to Ahmedabad. At 12:55am, I am suddenly awakened by continuous whispers by few people trying to settle around. While this is a very common scene in trains, the thing which intrigued me was the inconsistency between their get-ups and their behaviors. They were 3 Muslim guys, and a lady - probably their mother.
Now when we live in a non-cosmopolitan city or local household, we know and expect people around to be of approximately similar culture, language etc. But metro cities, airports, trains etc. are the places where we get privilege to see all the variety of cultures in India. And after a certain point, you get acceptance of the diversity in cultures and it doesn't fear or thrill or intrigue you... So it is, with me. I have friends, colleagues, and acquaintances from diverse cultures and religions - they are as human as all others... The thing different about those people in train was that they were unknown to me.

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When we meet any person for the first time, at least in India especially in trains, we try to figure them out by the minimal information available - 5 things to be specific: clothes, religion (sometimes by clothes), language, region (by language), social standing or "class" (by clothes, region, and language).
Coming back to the people in question - those were well-dressed, usually smiling, and they were whispering continuously in English. The suspicious thing to me was their accent - which was heavy British to somewhat American - but they looked all Indian (or at least Asian)... There was something unusually peculiar about them, or it seemed so (to me at least)... While it is no big deal that a person working in a corporate MNC set-up, or one who has stayed in Europe for few years, can speak or adapt the accent, but that was not the first thought which came into my mind.

Well, in the state of terror in which world is nowadays, the Indian Muslims whispering among themselves, in British English accent at midnight in train, was sufficient to alert me (that is what we are supposed to and told to be all the time in these unfortunate times of bomb blasts, killings, and what not)...
And for a moment, I even thought not to sleep for the remaining time, and observe the surroundings as a "responsible citizen"...
As they settled, slept, and set me writing this, I can now totally believe, that the whispering was all about not disturbing the fellow passengers who were sleeping... I had over-analyzed the situation...  My "alert mode" has been calmed down... I have now come to believe that it might just be the cultural diversity, beyond a threshold of usual acceptance to an un-anticipating mind awakened at midnight - which triggered "alert" mode instead of the "accepter" mode...

Nonetheless, it triggered more important questions to me:
(1) Do we really trust people or their religions?
(2) While it is not by choice, but by force, utmost important to be alert in the today's terror-stricken world, is it really not important to trust people?
(3) Not to preach about "atheism" or "secularism", but will India ever become a truly "religion-neutral" country?

Worth a thought.... isn't it?

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Lack of good ideas, or rather lack of the "pen-able" ideas since quite some time leads me to a famous apprehensive thought: Career of every artist (assuming myself as one) follows a parabolic curve - a gradual hike, an elevated state for a brief period, and rapid demise (shapes and sizes variable - basic pattern remaining same).
While the hike and demise are the ones which are quite apparent; more dangerous is the sandwiched "plateu" phase - where things get comfy yet boring, safe yet nonchalant, and secure yet unexciting.

Knowing that creativity can't simply be summoned; every artist - be it writer, singer, painter, or actor - fears being in that state when their creativity seems to have taken a long break.
That fear I term as "plateu-phobia". This dormancy haunts not only the artists, but each individual at one point or the other.

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On the other hand, in general, the sense of security, belonging, and ownership with things, people, and places make us feel comfortable, and at ease. The equilibrium makes us relax. So, most of the times we all are "plateu-philic". 
We love the stability - until the point when we realize that "stability" is nothing but constantly changing equilibrium. That moment we start hating the current plateu. We become "plateu-phobic", but is it really so? Are we really looking for an "imbalance" or just a "new balance"?

Both "plateu-philic" and "plateu-phobic" - always have been, are, and will be - WE.

The thought of dormancy also takes me to the approaching winters, and also to the way nature manages plateu. It creates a plateu, maintains and disrupts it. That is how we never really get used to the weather. That is why, we still feel cold/hot every year despite staying at the same place for years - the sheer brilliance of nature.

I hereby embrace the "plateu-phobic" and "plateu-philic" guys within me.

After all, a seemingly straight line can just be a part of a quite larger parabola... :-)

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Trim before it gets grim…

Well, here it ("trim") doesn't relate to the hair in any way... Rather, it pops up to me as a result of the excessive outburst of social awareness, so-called "intellectual" beings, so on and so forth... Ignorance of the common man to the well-obvious burning issues of the society for a very long time; and then the sudden appearance of awareness, sense of social responsibility, and smartness in analyzing, tweeting, re-tweeting and in some cases (so-called) supporting the cause... How do we become so smart within a flash when we are still the same flesh?
This question settles me down around the "smartness" or more basic term "understanding". It leads me back to the English grammar, so very simple, which life isn't (sadly)...
The term "smart" has simpler relative forms: Smart - Smarter - Smartest...
But according to my "THEORY OF SMARTNESS", it follows a different order: Naivety - Innocence - Smartness - Wickedness... 
Yeah, these are not absolute traits; and there is a very thin line between any two adjacent ones... 
These are further driven by "OVERLAP AND 'MIRAGE' EFFECT"... means:
1) There always exists a mix of at least two adjacent traits in a person – an OVERLAP... A person can be naive-innocent / innocent-smart / smart-wicked... A pure naive / innocent / smart / wicked person cannot possibly exist...
2) Our far-sight vision of these traits causes a mirage (an illusion)... What we generally see as “innocence” can be “naivety” in real; and what generally seems as “smartness” can be “wickedness”...
To my say, absolute smartness lies in prowess – the ability to have a closer look inside out (break the mirage), and the ability to control the overlap... Act responsibly (and more importantly) honestly...

Trim a trait before it gets to its next superlative... And that's what it's all about...

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Haven’t done shopping lately?... then try arranged marriage…

Disclaimer: Be it men, women, shopaholics, anti-shopaholics, those who have either done or willing to do love marriage, those who regret arranged marriage, those who don’t regret arranged marriage but its process, and most-importantly those who are going through the process – this one’s for you. This one is strictly for the generation, which makes, or is at least willing to make their own decisions their own way. It surely will raise eyebrows of few, but who cares?

Well, the title at first somewhat rhymes with the advertisement of Cadbury Dairymilk SILK… which says “Have you felt silk lately?” But, trust me it is just the opposite to that feeling of ‘feeling silk’…
Judging the topic based on the title of this post, many of you won’t be able to relate to this at first instance as it strikes… but again, trust me and hang on for a while, and I would be able to either make you relate to one or the other aspect of this or at least humor you :-)

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Let’s take a short example of ‘shopping clothes’, there follows a process: You choose a shop/mall. You enter with a certain set of pre-defined criteria in your mind. You fix the budget/range. You go for a few particular brands. Then you choose the size. Then color, pattern etc. Then you go to trial room, wear it for 1-2 minutes, do bargain, make the payment, and you are good to go. If not, you try another cloth, another shop, another mall and thereon… This is an infinite loop until you find the correct thing. Sometimes, out-of-blues, you may get something awesome (although very very rarely, it does fit in your budget). Many times, you end up compromising your choice, due to all practical constraints – budget, availability, affordability, long‑run sustainability and what not. And till now all is well. But, the irony is yet to come – most of the times, you get bored of the clothes after wearing it 2-3 times coz your choice was made in just 2 minutes when the dress looked all fairy; in very common cases, you even curse yourself to choose such a dress that you can’t still believe how pathetic your choice was at that moment.

Most of the women won’t find above paragraph palatable for they just love shopping… but now read that paragraph once again, replace the ‘clothes’ with ‘yourself’, and ‘shopping’ with ‘arranged marriage’ perspective... And the analogy is just obvious that I don’t need to re-write that paragraph again, do I? ;-) The basic process is all the way ditto (obviously with few additional claws applying to arranged marriage).

For all the gruesome similarities, there are 3 ironical differences that I feel:
1) You generally don’t run the kundali (horoscope) match with your clothes before buying them;
2) You can go shop more clothes if you dislike your clothes later on, or once they are old. There are also replacement warranties on clothes; and the most important…
3) Shopping can be fun for it’s only YOU who shop… while it is not the case for latter. In arranged marriage, you GET SHOPPED, more than you GET TO SHOP…

Therefore, with all due respect to shopping, the analogy is very close to reality.

After all, I couldn't be more direct :-D

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Convenient Assumptions

Do you remember the Math lessons at school? I do... The teacher used to say "Assume that x=y and y=z+w..." At that time, I used to think why should I assume? I won't assume anything... only until when my Math teacher made me understand that I have to assume certain things to seek the answer and solve the riddle...
Being an obedient little child, I didn't argue much... solved the puzzles, and became really good at Math... But somewhere I always felt that how come Math being such an absolute thing, still have to rely on such arbitrary things called "assumptions"? And some day wearing my thinking "shades" (yeah, I don't have a thinking "cap" ;-) ), I found the answer to that question in real-life scenarios...
Well, howsoever realistic we all proclaim ourselves to be, each one of us is a great assumer, no exceptions...
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It starts from the very beginning... A child assumes itself safe in proximity of the mother, irrespective of the degree of surrounding chaos... A common man leaves behind his hard-earned belongings in the house assuming that a 350 grams door-lock can protect it... All the citizens in a country assume that a leader is capable of running their country... etc.
Well, these are the few based on trust... I would not say that we get rid of these assumptions. Coz it would make us totally skeptic, take away the sense of security from us, and at the end, will freak us out... These are necessary assumptions...
At the same time, there are few which can create turmoil...
·       You call a friend, he/she doesn't pick up and doesn't call back... And this happens over and over again... You have two assumptions to choose from...
(A) The friend doesn't value your friendship.
(B) He/she is just really too busy that they can't respond.
·       You participated in a 100 meters race and gave your 200% percent, and came on second place with the margin of 1.09 seconds... You again have two options...
(A) Despite giving 200% efforts you failed, so there is no chance of winning that.
(B) Just a wild stupid idea, if your effort can go up to 100% to 200%, then it surely could go a few more % to cover up the 1.09 seconds difference.
·       Someone not so good with you, praises you for something, and you don't ever imagine that person to be praising you... You are again set to toss the coin...
(A) By all logical means, he/she could have never praised me. It was a sarcastic comment.
(B) Screw it if it sounds sarcastic, ignore the praise (or taunt) and be happy with yourself.
In all these scenarios, your brain gets to the dual...
Part (A) talks all logical and realistic things that any person would like to choose, and will be tempted to think himself/herself a rational decision-maker by choosing (A)s.
While those (B)s have altogether a different story to tell... They don't fool you by making you think illogically... Rather they make you aware that what you choose, although might not be totally logical or factual, but it is definitely a happier option... 
And after all, if both (A)s and (B)s are assumptions per se, why not go for a smarter one...
What say???

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Call it "Stress" or "Responsibility"?

A not-so-peaceful night; a film of small small tasks to be done at work tomorrow rolling-over in my head; apparent insomnia to an otherwise-sleepyhead.... All these things make me aware of the so-called "stress" building up... And as usual awakens a thought to be written about...

First question that comes to my mind: How do you define stress?... Something which gets on your nerves... An adrenaline-filled state which should not be persistent, but somehow it is... Well, there can be many more definitions...

But the idea here is, do you really call every such situation - "stress" per se? What about something called "responsibility" or "ownership"? Now, most of the wise people would say that, "There is a thin line between stress and responsibility"... Agreed, totally... But is it always really about maintaining that thin line? Probably not...

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Fascinated by the science fiction and stuff, I would put the superheros as an example...
Let's say, as they show in most of these movies; the Earth is under attack by aliens and it is at the verge of losing its existence... What will happen if the superheros keep on weighing their "responsibility" and their "stress" levels before actually fighting the threats?

Let's forget about the superheros... If we talk about the real heros, our soldiers... What if they start taking the extra effort they put-in; or the extra stress they handle; or the lack of peace they face, as a favor to the nation? What if they deny to go an extra-mile, just for the sake of maintaining the thin line between "stress-responsibility"...

And I feel it's really not only about the soldiers or warriors... It is about many ordinary people in real-simple scenarios in every set-up... Somewhere or the other, few of them go an extra-mile, and absorb little more "stress", so that the entire system remains "stress-free"... They practically screw their theory of "stress-responsibility thin line" (or work-life balance), so that the system they are a part of, remains robust... To me it seems that, it is the ultimate balance of stress within a system which counts, rather than the balance of stress within an individual... Coz otherwise the system with all "stress-managed" individuals will itself be under stress, isn't it???

Monday, June 16, 2014

A "Home"-ly Voyage...

A slowly-getting-crowded platform of a railway station, a steadily-moving constant crowd, almost the most-diverse population of a geographical region at a single place, and a slowly approaching train's siren... Although a very common picture to everyone, yet it takes me to a different world of thoughts...

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The times when it all begins... A kid is born, his world is his "little home"... He doesn't know of anything outside his home if it ever existed... But then he grows up inevitably, and his definition of the world expands with him...
Though his growth is linear, the size of his world inflates exponentially...which kinda freaks him out... But he manages somehow...

He is a very bright kid, he grows up... Shifts the cities for higher education... His alma mater is his new "temporary home"... Unaware of the actual length of his life's voyage, he still considers his "little home" as his actual home... Still believes in the philosophy "The end of this round-shaped earth is nothing but the HOME"... Aspires to be back to his "little home", from where it all began...
Soon, he shifts the cities for earning his share of bread... Leaves his alma mater, and makes a "new temporary home"... and his journey proceeds...
Now, every night he longs to come back to his "new temporary home" for rest... He kinda forgets his "little home" and remembers it just once in a while for the sake of it...
As the kid grows up to be a guy, a man, and so on... He makes several temporary homes for himself during his journey - more than the degrees of English adjectives could possibly define numerically... The knowledge of "Geography" becomes his strong point where he actually lacked once as a student...
He might also succeed in making his own "new little home" in his life's time...
And thus the pilgrimage "takes him to places", and he enjoys every bit of it...
As he grows up in terms of "years" and in terms of "life's experience" to understand the realm of his voyage...
It takes quite some years or sometimes forever, for him to know where he actually belongs... Does he belong to his "little home" or "N" number of those "temporary homes" which he creates and demolishes frequently... 
Or does he belong to the beautiful "voyage" itself? Is the sense of belonging most-prominent, when he is running to catch the train along with the crowd...??? Perhaps, it is... May be that's where the pilgrim belongs... Worth a thought...!!!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

My India... A Religious Nation...

It's the time in Indian politics, when many records have been broken and many new established. Driven by it, I felt an utter need to put forward my views on the same.

Well, not going in to much of its statistics, for the social media is already flooded with that. I actually used to believe, that in India, it is not the democracy or religion, but only cricket which unites us together. I was right, but until yesterday, the game-changing day in Indian political history. It was like India winning the world cup (needless to say - a "cricket" world cup), and every Indian played in the final match.

Everyone has their favorites (and that's okay), but I really feel it is no longer about the favorites. It is about the nation, about the people wanting the change so badly. It is about the ever-most-aware generation. It is about the 9-phase election process and the counting taking place peacefully. It is about an ever-huge majority wanting the same thing, wherein everyone feels being not only a citizen of India, but INDIA him/herself. It is the first time when I feel INDIA as a truly democratic country.

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We, the "young" generation of India are actually " grown-ups" I feel. We are aware that we have to earn our own bread, and we are the solo-fighters in our combat of life. And nobody, no leader, no government can manifest it for us (even if it is in their MANIFESTO).

The only problem I feel here is, we Indians are too RELIGIOUS. We believe in God like hell (not literally the "hell"). We make temples of our cricketers and film-stars. We also fling stones at a star-cricketer's house if he fails to perform. And we get drained in the flow. Let's not do that.
Just for a change, keeping aside, how Kejriwal actually turned out to be, let us not do at the national level what we did with Kejriwal in Delhi. Let us work more, be patient and be righteous. And the most important - let us NOT expect MIRACLES.

Modi has yet to prove many things to India. Let our faith not become blind, let's be vigilant.

Let's NOT get MODIfied. Let's get REAL to the nation. And as they say, be the change we want to see in the world (here "nation") :-)

Thursday, April 17, 2014

BELIEF... from another perspective

Beliefs can be poisonous...

Well... This is not about stating that the wrong/negative beliefs could be harmful... A blog is little uncalled-for such an obvious thing...

I am to logicize an unusual oblique angle to the concept of belief... It's about the positive ones which sometimes I see as harmful...

There is a stark difference between "to believe in" and "to believe"... You generally "believe in" a God/a ghost/a person/an idea/a principle/a policy/a cause etc... Which are all ILL-DEFINED and ABSTRACT... Whereas you "believe" WELL-DEFINED things such as a fact/a story/a rumor/a thing...

Now as I see... When you start "believing in" an idea, it boosts your creativity... It gives you a positive energy, a driving force for a cause, curiosity, and motivation... But when this "believing in" a random idea, starts taking a SHAPE, it no longer remains ABSTRACT... And it starts becoming confining... It hampers creativity... A simultaneous conversion takes place of "confidence" to a "sort-of-overconfidence"... which probably leads to a demise...

For example, you believe in an expert for a solution to your problem... The faith in that person's help, keeps you motivated and moving... But when the idea of help takes the shape of a steady relief (a belief that you have the ultimate solution to your problems), you start being dependent, non-creative, and disabled... Your mind stops trying to seek solution to any problem for yourself... The confidence in the idea of help shapes into the overconfidence...

Another example (of myself)... Before I started writing, I was a non-believer...
When I started writing few things, the idea that "I can write" made me curious, creative... and helped me write well... Then followed the praise from people, which turned my confidence into a "sort-of overconfidence" and a BELIEF... that "I am a writer"... At that moment, the transition of the verb "writing" to the noun "writer", made me a believer, killed my curiosity... creativity too followed...

The bottom line is: I now "believe in" an IDEA but I "believe" NOTHING... I am better-off being a NON-BELIEVER than a BELIEVER...

Which one you are among the two???

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Gotta have some non-productive days too...

A fine morning you wake up on time, with a feel of having got a good sound sleep, you go jogging or gym-ing kind of thing, at work albeit you may not exactly rock but you do each task on time and with full satisfaction, go home, spend quality time with family or friends, eat well, watch your favorite movie or something and go to sleep on time, everything falls in place...
Well, I know that's just about perfect... But here it comes... We have those days too when despite all our efforts, one or most of the aforementioned things go wrong... 

I call them 'non-productive days'... While these are always almost unacceptable to any self-competitive person, these are but a reality... These are frustrating, now the frustration can be a driving force for few but not all and not always...

On one such a day when I had to have my share of philosophy, I encountered a thought process of 'complementarity'... If I name the days, as 'productive' or 'non-productive', that just makes them complementary to each other, justifying the meaning of each other... 

They are like soulmates, except for the fact that they actually never meet each other in time... We get complimented on productive days due to the existence of the complementarity... It's relative... Imagine a hypothetical situation, when you become a never-failing robot with all gala days... Would those be really called as productive? - not really... coz the moment the adjective 'non-productive' loses its existence, 'productive' too follows...

So when we curse these not-so-gala days, we should keep in mind that they too indirectly stand for the happiness which we feel on the happier ones...

Well, this thought how much ever relaxing may be for employees, but is not-so-relaxing for employers...;-) yeah... No one pays for non-productive days... So, to them it might seem a little controversial, but it actually isn't... and anyways I thought that it is not bad using a little controversy for publicity of my blog... LOL.

Monday, March 10, 2014

ORIGINAL... Really???

Well, don't take the title as a spoiler alert. It's nothing like an anti-innovation campaign but just an introspection-provoking thought.

One day after watching news about Kejriwal (obviously there seems nothing much left with media apart from him), I was wondering the impact of media in developing the true picture of a person in front of public and many more things... Then I shifted to a more generic version of this thought.

The impact of "received wisdom" in any aspect of life. I see human brain as more of a RECEPTOR than a TRANSMITTER...or more precisely... Earlier the RECEPTOR and later the TRANSMITTER...

To simplify that... Nowadays almost everyone is saying that no matter how AAP has turned to be, it has created a wave which has made people smarter... But I deviate a little from this opinion... I would say people have become more "aware" and not "smarter" precisely...

The awareness comes from receptor function of brain. A brain develops the picture of anything based on what it HEARS and SEES about that thing. I do not deny the analytical abilities of brain. It also ANALYZES and INTERPRETS and then develops the opinions... But the point here is... What are the basis for those analyses and interpretations? Simply VISION and SOUND...

Let's say a musician, even if being a genuine composer, is inevitably influenced by his/her favorite musicians whose music he/she has listened to their whole life... So the product which comes out, is not pirated or copied per se. But it is not ORIGINAL also... It can be safely called "INSPIRED"...

Same logic applies to the regular viewers of a particular news channel, who unavoidably start developing their opinions influenced by what is being served on their platter every morning...
And this is not harmful until it goes viral... but this "received wisdom" goes epidemic way too fast than we can imagine...

The irony is... once we become the "aware" citizens, we start believing ourselves the "responsible" citizens and voluntarily take up the MORAL RESPONSIBILITY to shower the WISDOM onto the others... And the spread of this excessive awareness with uncontrolled, least-analyzed and more-manipulated "received wisdom" is a big national threat...!!!

Monday, January 20, 2014

How the Music feels?

Yeah, you are reading it correctly. It’s not a grammatical or sentence construction error. By this, I didn't mean to say “How do you feel when you listen to Music?” Sorry, nope. That’s the usual stuff. We all feel alive, elated, happy, sad, rocking, calm, excited, and what not.

But, here am asking you guys to think a little beyond the ordinary thinking pattern, just for fun!

I am asking you to personify the Music (“M” capitalized for a reason) in your imaginary world, and ask him/her (no gender bias :-D), how does it feel when it is being played? How does a song feel when it is sung? How does it feel when it is being listened to? How does it feel when it is ignored? When it is booed? When it is applauded? When it is uploaded? When it is downloaded? When it is performed to perfection? When it is killed? (yeah killed by bad “singers”)? The list extends too long.

Well, tough it is, to answer these questions without being Music yourself, so here I am taking liberty to self-assign the role to me on a temporary basis ;-)

Now, I am Music. First of all, I would like to be loved and sung by as many people as possible. But at the same time, I will feel bad if someone kills my “sur” or “taal” (unintentionally though). But also, I will appreciate the effort put in by someone in singing me. I will feel privileged to be played on a goodwala iPod or a high quality digital sound system. At the same time, I will become more melodious on an old radio in the poor’s hut.

I will prefer people to listen to my lyrics and understand it completely. I will be rocking the parties and also healing people’s solitude and sorrows. I will bring rains when sung with devotion. I will feel proud to be a component of a prayer, and essence of love. I will be just like a human in all possible ways but one; in which I will be in a thousands of disguises around people every day every moment, and then still I will be easily identifiable to people J

Thursday, January 09, 2014

A GOD's Frustration

One day I was thinking about my own thinking pattern... about things, about changes, about many other things... then I wrote a poem which best described my thought process at that point of time, which was something like this:

When the nights are bright and the sun is cold,
When the hearts are pure and feelings are legit, I will be contented,
When the sun rises in the west, and the moon sings a song,
When the friends are FOREVER and enemies are for-never, I will be contented,
When the praise is real and criticism is sharp,
When the ocean flows into rivers just for a change, I will be contented,
When the seasons switch their routine just for fun,
When I get to be ME, I will be contented.

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That day I went home.. ate and slept.. in my dream, I met an old godly person 10 feet long, white shirt and trousers, black blazer, cool goggles and a french-cut beard.... he could do as a bouncer in any disc if he opted to...
He seemed very noble but a bit frustrated...we introduced each other... He called himself Mr. G and I called myself Mr. H.. (alphabetically we were so close to each other)...
Mr. G was a little mad at me, upon insisting him a little, he explained his share of the frustration, as follows:
“I created water, you needed fire…
I created days to work, you needed nights to rest…
I created winters, you needed summers…
I created love, you needed hatred…
I created light, you needed shadows…”
I interrupted him to try to explain my part... “aa…aa… b..but.t….” He was so annoyed, he told… “No, listen to me first…” and then he continued…
“When I give you beautiful cold, you want to wear sweaters,
When I give you beautiful sun, you want a shelter to hide,
When I give you a heart to love, you want to hate people,
When I give you a beautiful mind, you want to use it for dirty politics,
When I give you a chance to fight the challenges, you want to hide away,
When I signaled you to be satisfied with what you have, you always want something more,
I never wanted you like this”

After he took a pause, I was still trying to process his words… I had an answer to his questions but couldn't tell him for some reason…
I was thinking something like this: “Dear G, being a God, as you are also not free of frustrations, we are but humans, and we have our own set of frustrations… You didn't create few things, but those were the by-products of the good things you created… You expect us to be noble (like you) and we expect others to be noble (like us)…and it is nothing but a chain of expectations…”

Seeing my silence, the agonized, the noble, Mr. G stormed off, and I came back to life from this brief meeting with the divine...... period